Makers and Breakers Men’s Breakfast

Makers and Breakers Men’s Group will have a pancake breakfast at the church on February 4th at 9 a.m. Rev. G and the men will be exploring the "Spirituality of…

Children’s Chapel

Children's Chapel is for pre-K through grade 4 and will include songs, games, prayers and other fun activities. Children's Chapel will be a combination of time in the Narthex and…

Youth Group

We will be planting seeds that will be transplanted into our Giving Garden when they are big enough. Calling all 5-12th graders, join us for fun, food and faith! Our…

Mobile Food Pantry

Join the team as we pack bags on Friday and Load up the truck on Saturday. Friday- 7-8 pm Packing bags- M&O room Saturday 9:30 am - Loading the Truck…

Moving into storage

Help move extra items into storage before construction. We could start next week and we need to clear out the Narthex and store extra items ahead of the construction team. …

Groundbreaking Ceremony

Join us as we Celebrate the start of construction between our 8 and 10 am services.

Hypothermia Shelter Mar. 17-19

St. Peters in the Woods  is teaming up with host Church St. Stephens United Methodist on Braddock Road to support our neighbors experiencing homelessness. Help us serve and prepare meals.…

Children’s Chapel

Children's Chapel is for pre-K through grade 4 and will include songs, games, prayers and other fun activities. Children's Chapel will be a combination of time in the Narthex and…