Worship Ministries



Kids ages 9 and older are invited to consider serving as acolytes and assisting the priests in worship. Whether it’s processing with the cross, lighting and carrying the torches, or helping the priests with communion, acolytes are a vital part of our worship team. 

Contact Deb Dill or Desiree Bergeron to learn more!

Altar Guild

Altar Guild

The Altar Guild prepares and sets the altar, cares for the sacred vessels, linens and altar hangings, and uses their time, talent and dedication to create a sacred space for the worship of God. Please contact Betsy Marcelin, to see if this might be a meaningful ministry for you!

new choir


Sharing our love of God through music is a beautiful and transformative experience, and there is a way for everyone at St. Peter’s in the Woods to be involved. Learn more here.  New members are always welcome, so contact our music director, Jenni Dunn today!

Flower Guild 2024

Flower Guild

With the Altar Guild, the Flower Guild helps create a sacred worship space. Flower guild members procure and arrange flowers for the altar, lending their creative talents to glorify God. Training is available!

Contact: Deb Dill


Ushers and Greeters

Ushers and Greeters provide an essential ministry of hospitality, greeting people as they enter church for worship and handing out service bulletins, collecting and presenting the offering and guiding the congregation during Holy Communion. Ushers provide a friendly welcome, inviting one and all into our worshipping community.

Contact: Reverend Susan

Lay Eucharistic Ministry

Lay Eucharistic Ministers

Lay Eucharistic Ministers (LEMs) administer the chalice during the celebration of Holy Eucharist. LEMs are trained by our priests and licensed by the Diocese of Virginia to serve in this important role. If you feel drawn to this ministry please contact Bart MacMillan or Rev. Susan about next steps.



Lectors read the Scripture lessons and intercessory prayers (also known as the Prayers of the People) during each worship service.

Contact: Bart MacMillan

Bread from SPW

Newcomer Bread Ministry

Our Newcomer Bread Ministry team bakes small loaves of bread to be included in our welcome bags for newcomers.

Contact: Carol Hebbe

Coffee Hour Host

Coffee Hour Hosts

Helping to set-up coffee or bring a special treat to share on Sunday mornings is a wonderful way of expressing hospitality. Whether you bring a box of donuts, a platter of cheese cubes, or a bowl of fruit to share, serving as a coffee hour host is a great way to give back and get connected! Take down and cleanup helpers are needed too!

Contact: Carol Hebbe

Group 485


Tellers count Sunday’s offering money on Monday mornings and deposit it in the bank. Tellers serve in pairs of two and generally work for 1-1/2 hours in the church office on Monday morning. Flexible times for counting are possible.

Contact: Judy Houttekier