Welcome! We are so glad you found us!
Our hope is that you will grow deeper in your relationship with God and your neighbor as you worship with us and continue your spiritual journey. There are many ways to get involved here: worship, study, join a small group, get involved with serving others. Come and see - there’s something for everybody at St. Peter’s in the Woods
If you would like to be baptized, or have your child baptized.
Please contact the Rev. Susan Hartzell.
Confirmation is the rite during which adults or teenagers make a mature public affirmation of their faith, claiming the promises made on their behalf when they were baptized as babies or small children. Adult candidates for confirmation are prepared by a member of our clergy during Episcopal 101 (more on that below); teenagers are prepared through Confirmation Classes.
For adults who were confirmed in another church, reception into the Episcopal Church is marked liturgically by making a declaration before the Bishop. Confirmation and reception take place during a Bishop’s visitation
Episcopal 101
Our Episcopal 101 class provides an introduction to the Episcopal Church and St. Peter’s in the Woods. If you’ve been thinking about joining the church, this class is for you! The class explores what it means to be a Christian in the Episcopal tradition, covering such topics as our history, the Book of Common Prayer, scripture, sacraments and more. The class is perfect for:
Adults seeking to be confirmed or received into the Episcopal Church or renew their baptismal vows;
Adults new to the Episcopal church or simply curious to learn more; or
Anyone seeking an interesting and helpful refresher course.
All that we do here at St. Peter’s in the Woods is supported by the faithful gifts of the people in our parish. Whether it’s time, talent or treasure, we receive so much in return from our giving, knowing that we’ve made a difference in someone’s life. Help us continue to fund the transformative programs and ministries.